A Beautiful Assortment of Rainbow Candy, Miniatures, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse

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A Beautiful Assortment of Rainbow Candy πŸ¦„β€οΈπŸ¦„πŸ’›

This beautiful assortment of miniature candies contains bright rainbow colors, making it the perfect treat for fairy gardens and dollhouses. Your fairies will love it!

What you will receive:
* A beautiful Assortment of Rainbow Candies
* A Material Table topper * Rainbow scatter
***The other items are for display****

**With every order the fairies include a special gift**

Visit the Arcenciel The Rainbow Fairy Instant Fairy Garden Here: https://bit.ly/3w9os84

She would love to meet you-please visit Arcenciel at https://bit.ly/3XyL661
Our Fairy Website: https://www.teeliesfairygarden.com/

Visit me at Teelie Turner Author Here: https://teelieturnerauthor.com/

A special Thank you note and gift from me to you :) Fairy Hugs :)

These fairy items are not a toy and not recommended for children 3 years old and younger. The close-up photography is to show you the amazing details!

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