Welcome to Teelie's Magical Fairies. Explore and discover Fairy Land through enchanted eBooks, party props, instant fairy gardens, bookmarks and other downloadable products which have been prepared for your magical enjoyment.

The Adventures Of Pirate Pete And The Beautiful Mermaid Wedding

Ahoy there, adventurers! It's time to set sail on your own epic journey with Pirate Pete's Magical Fairy Products. From T-shirts and pet products to aprons and mugs – you'll find everything you need to become the adventurous sea captain of your dreams! Let Pirate Pete be your guide as you EXPLORE our range of all-new goodies for the young and the young at heart. Make a statement in one of our stylish T-shirts featuring the bold words 'adventure awaits' and an illustration of Pete wearing his unforgettable pirate hat. Or why not get cooking with our awesome aprons – each featuring a delightful image of Pirate Pete so you can have him by your side when dinner is ready? For super silly fun, check out some of our puzzles or pet products that everyone in the family will love. No matter where your journey takes you – make sure Pirate Pete comes along for the ride with Pirate Pete's Magical Fairy Products!
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