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4th Of July Miniatures That Will Catch Your Attention

4th Of July Miniatures That Will Catch Your Attention

4th Of July Miniatures That Will Catch Your Attention

Welcome to Teelie’s Digital and Miniature Shop. This week let’s find some amazing miniatures that will catch your attention for this year’s 4th of July celebrations.        

1:12, 4th Of July Hotdogs and Fries, Miniature, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse

Who doesn’t love a BBQ with friends or family to celebrate the 4th of July? Patriotic Patsy, the 4th of July Fairy absolutely loves the opportunity to attend festivities for the holiday that she represents year-round. These miniature hotdogs and fries look delicious. Learn more here.

Double Decker Cheeseburgers, Lollipops, Miniature, Dollhouse, Fairy Garden

Burgers are another favorite for the 4th of July weekend. These double decker cheeseburgers look absolutely scrumptious. The fairies and all their friends are going to love attending a BBQ or cookout that includes these on the menu. Learn more here.

1:12 Wavy Patriotic Popsicles, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse

If the 4th of July is extremely hot, you might enjoy a refreshing popsicle to cool yourself off. These popsicles are red, white, and blue making them even more special for the 4th of July. Learn more here.

1:12, 4th of July Ice Cream Sandwiches, Red, White, Blue

These red, white, and blue ice cream sandwiches look like another incredible option for your 4th of July celebrations. While fairies are small, they have the ability to eat a lot, especially when there are sweets on the table. Learn more here.

1:12 Patriotic 4th of July Candy Corn

Did you think that Candy Corn was just for Halloween? Well, you’re in for a treat because Kindy the Candy Corn Fairy was happy to oblige Patriotic Patsy’s request to make a special variety for the 4th of July. Learn more here.

1:12,4th of July 1/4 Slice of Watermelon, Miniature, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse

Slices of watermelon are another amazing option for a 4th of July barbecue or picnic. The majority of fairies of any age love this juicy, sweet fruit. Learn more here.

1:12 Sweet Miniature Red, White, And Blue Miniature Macaroons

Specially baked treats for the holiday weekend are also appreciated. These red, white, and blue miniature macaroons are extremely delicious and much enjoyed by all who taste them. Learn more here.

4th of July Bucket of Popcorn, Miniature, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse

Watching a movie especially if it is outdoors can be another great way to celebrate the 4th of July. If there is popcorn covered in amazing buttery toppings it is even better. Learn more here.
Teelie’s Digital and Miniature Shop is going to share some amazing miniatures for International Fairy Day with you.

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